September 1, 2016
Wizo Youth Village
Nachlat Yehuda
New Dormitories
Our new Rimon Dormitories in the youth village Nachlat Yehuda have been “soft opened”. Nachlat Yehuda caters for 400 children and 140 underprivileged kids sleep in the dormitories as there family background would not recommend them to sleep at home.
It was wonderful to see the joy of the kids and the parents when entering their new homes. As one mother said rightly while crying “I wish I would have the possibility to offer this to my children….”
We renovated this facility hand in hand with the Naor Foundation. Avi Elbaz from the Naor Foundation supervised the entire project so that we can assure that 100% of your funds were strategically invested into the prosperity of our children in Nachlat Yehuda.